Episode 5: Saga of the Silicon Man & the Beard

Wars are still breaking out here and there on Cyber Earth. However, the wars are no longer among states, but more like gang fights for turf. As the influence of governments and international organizations declines, the word "state" is also fading dramatically. The world seems to have reverted to the City-state system, where cities are independently governed. To be precise, different groups of the Uranus and gangs control these "city-states". To compete for the limited resources, these forces constantly attack each other and fight around the city and settlements. Decades ago, a great technology company once advocated the notion of "no evils", but has already slipped the Uranus’s minds obviously.

Compared to those terrified civilians during the ancient siege, the citizens of Cyber Earth are much calmer - with the development of prosthetic limbs, prosthetic bodies, life-sustaining drugs, and mind-uploading technology, death is not a concern now. Nothing in this world is worth risking their lives to defend - no matter which power controls the city, the life of the bottom class will not change much. The only trouble is to exchange currency back and forth, but people ain’t got much savings anyways......

With the disintegration of the standing army system, mercenary groups become the main part of the battlefield, replacing the military and special forces. For the Uranus, it is more cost-effective to pay for the mercenary groups rather than to maintain a large army. If someone dies in battle, they do not even need to worry about pension, since the mercenary group would arrange everything. The dead would be replaced with prosthetic bodies to revive, and the wounded would be installed with prosthetic limbs. Besides, the mercenary group accepts cryptocurrency payments, which will not happen in any government because the army does not buy it. A long time ago, a small country tried to pay the army with highly volatile cryptocurrencies, and the army ended up overthrowing the president in anger. The event also marks the end of this very country.

A war without any countries cannot be called a war. No matter who the mercenary groups are against, whether it be the drug lords, gangs, terrorists, rebels, warlords, or even themselves, it is called military action.

Theoretically, the world is still peaceful. However, ever since the turbulent 2020s, there have been constant military actions. Traffic on the military channels at information websites never stopped growing- Ironside raided the ammunition depot of the Syr Group at the dry Aral Sea; Rex Martyr Brigade destroyed an armored vehicle of the drug lord Fat Badger with a drone… Advanced technology has made it possible to thoroughly broadcast every military operation, and public opinion has become easier to provoke. Just like supporting their favorite soccer team, bored people cheer for the warlike mercenary groups and debate about the better ones. After all, this is the most intense "sport" other than the new triathlon.

Some may ask here: ‘The metaverse would already be popular by then, why can’t we get rid of the conflicts in the metaverse?’ There was a group of the Uranus who tried to coordinate the disputes in the metaverse. However, as a result, after the mercenaries from both sides had entered the field, the hackers hacked into the battlefield - we don't know what an actual battlefield will be like, but hackers obviously made it possible for rifles to hit the enemy from a kilometer away and for unguided anti-tank rocket launchers to hit the tank covers by making a designated turn on the online battlefield. The organizers just stood and watched. After two games, the metaverse "peacekeeping military operations" had to be put to an end.

Metaverse military operations are unprofitable for the Uranus. If it works, the Uranus will fail to sell or resell the weapons they manufacture. Therefore, they will do everything they can to turn down this bloodless solution.

The mercenary group will buy weapons in bulk, much more frequently than the previous governments did. Speaking of the source of soldiers, well, there are a lot of people who are struggling to make a living. On the other hand, this situation can also explain the reason why all kinds of bandits, gangs, and resistance groups are constantly emerging. The mercenary group will always have their business running.

The biggest change in military equipment over the decades has been the replacement of the original infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) with infantry power armor. If a single soldier can put on an armor suit that cannot be penetrated by light weapons, while also walking as fast as he can with a Gatling gun and heavy anti-tank missiles in hand, then what is the point of having a weak and bulk IFV? To move quickly, he could simply hang the infantry power armor on the hangers on both sides of the tank, just like how the commandos hang on the sides of the light helicopters in the movie Black Hawk Down.

So far, only the Thoule Group can manufacture infantry power armor, but only one model, the IA-8. Its function can be expanded according to the tasks’ demands, and it is compatible with the various models of mechanical prostheses and brain-machine equipment on the market. A set of armor is not cheap, the price is almost the same as the latest Mercedes S-class top model. Despite that, wearing it is not that comfortable. Only the elites of the elite will be equipped with infantry power armor, meaning that it would not be popularized for the time being, even the former government could not afford it. According to the military tradition, infantry soldiers with power armor are called Grenadiers – the name is reasonable because infantry soldiers can throw grenades dozens of meters away with the help of power armor.

The Spartan Group's grenadier, Sergeant Eiriksson, a.k.a. "Old Bear", is a man full of muscles and scars, with a bad temper, a large beard, and a foaming mouth. He comes from Northern Europe, originally employed by a national special force, serving as a squad leader. After the special forces were abolished, Eiriksson defected to the Spartan Group with his squad buddies, because this is the only skill they have to make a living. He has participated in military operations in the Mediterranean, Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and South America. A few years ago, Eiriksson's squad successfully became the first Spartan Group squad to be equipped with power armor, covering armored units in combat and specializing in taking out fortified enemy positions.

Eiriksson seems to be born to kill and destroy. He always acts very recklessly and courageously. If we consider the standards from decades ago, Eiriksson and his buddies could have been classified as disabled soldiers because none of their arms and legs are still intact. Their mutilated limbs are replaced with mechanical prostheses, which are engraved with runes from Norse legends. They are constantly changing to newly developed mechanical prostheses, just like people today who are constantly updating their smartphones. The military budget was basically emptied on this, but it is worthy. There was this man who was totally disabled in both hands, and after using the latest prosthesis, he can embroider a very decent cross-stitch by executing the set program. There was also this other guy with too many broken parts who was simply replaced with a prosthetic body, and now the prosthetic body is equipped with mechanical prostheses, adding several steel patches on his bald head.

Well, it's good to be alive. It doesn't matter if you look shabby. You don't need to wear a suit anyway. As Eiriksson always says, "YOLO, live it out. Why so decent.”

Eiriksson didn't like sitting in the command room to guide the war, and he also wasn't good at it after all. Therefore, he never wanted a promotion. After today's action, the commander calls him into the command post.

"Old Bear, there's a special task for you. A new Sergeant Hanssen has arrived at Pampas Meadows to lead a newly formed armored platoon into military operations. Your superiors want to transfer you there to fight with Hanssen's armored platoon......"

"Wait, Sir Commander, is he THAT Hanssen?"

"Yes, THAT Hanssen, the charming guy among all women, the physical virtual idol......"

"Why does this fucking silicone man even want to be a mercenary? The money he earned is already more than enough for his lifetime. Why did he come here to stir up trouble? Why couldn’t he just shoot his film, hold his concert… I do not want to fight with him. This guy is obviously coming to the front field to decorate his shiny resume. I and my boys will definitely be tortured to pieces......"

"Come on, old bear, stop bragging. This is an order from the boss, you know, I can’t do anything with it. I definitely would not want you to leave, buddy. If you leave, you know our other squads and platoons, I'm afraid all these losers will have to be rebuilt in less than two weeks. I‘m not even optimistic about the budget for this. Well, old bear, it’s almost dinner time. Let’s have a drink, then you go and get packed. You’ll know everything when you get there."

The commander opened a bottle of nice beer, and Eiriksson took the glass awkwardly but gulped it down.

Eiriksson unloaded the heavy power armor and boxes of ammunition from the helicopter with his buddies. This is his most reluctant mission because he believed that the big star is certainly here to gild the lily and attract more male fans with this glorious service experience. Well, probably grabbing a few more film contracts along the way...... He will also certainly fetch a few more medals with Erickson’s squad.

Eiriksson can recognize Hanssen's face without his introduction and Eiriksson cannot help to think about the crappy songs Hanssen sang when looking at that crappy face. The songs are lingering around the ears, and Eiriksson cannot make them stop. The handsome guy with a smile on his face is getting closer and closer while the lame song in Eiriksson’s head is getting louder and louder. Erickson is trying his best to control his facial expression, not to let his big bearded face show any disgust.

A tough guy will never be impressed with an eye candy.

To Eiriksson's surprise, Hanssen did not come over to show off anything or start any meaningless socializing conversation. He directly picked up a box of ammunition and headed for the warehouse. Hanssen's vehicle crew followed to help.

"Ah, Sergeant Hanssen, right? How come your mother didn't come with you?" Although Hanssen's actions abated Eiriksson's hostility, he still wants to embarrass Hanssen.

"My mom is so busy right now! I escaped from home while she was busy. " Hanssen's smile is exactly the same as the one on the screen: "You must be the big hero, Sergeant Eiriksson. May I ask you some questions about power armor later, lessons in sergeant school are not enough. The user's experience is the most reliable…

"Where's your little car?" Eiriksson asked.

"Over there!" Following Hanssen's finger, Eiriksson saw two old tanks that were probably 60 years old. Eiriksson was surprised. Can these things fight? If the inside is on fire, would this silicone guy melt?

"Don’t judge them by appearances, they were just refurbished last year, with the latest models of composite armor, active defense systems, power packs, and smart ammunition. They are quite reliable. " Hanssen said, "The army had cut so many tanks in the first few decades that there was no need to build new ones. Please feel free to try the power armor hangers on the vehicle later. They're stable and sturdy and can even charge the power armor. I just maintained them.”

"Oh, why don't you paint your precious little car pink?"

"Well, in the desert, pink does help camouflage but it does not help in the grassland. It can be seen from a distance. Hey, by the way, you guys wouldn’t want to take the kindergarten van, would you?"

"Well, this guy kinda knows something. He’s got a good temper and is not putting on airs. Looks like he knows more than singing and dancing. " Eiriksson thought.

This military operation, code-named "Bull's Head," is almost a carbon copy to salute the Chaco War over 100 years ago. However, the previous war was over river navigation rights, while this one is over the water source. Several mercenary groups and gangs have built fortified strongholds here and have fought deadly. If someone kept an eye on the battle here, he would reckon humanity is degenerating. Within only a few weeks, both sides have run out of drones and guided weapons. The war once degenerated to the level of trench warfare and even retreated to the Cold War era as ammunition was running out. Recently, both mercenary groups have engaged more in the" Bull's Head " battlefield, and history seems to be moving on again.

The Eiriksson squad eventually brought the level of technology back to the 2060s.

The Spartan Group has to deal with several forces, and the operation is exceptionally difficult. The no. 2 vehicle in Hanssen's platoon caught fire and burned, and his own No. 1 vehicle became the only remaining tank within a few dozen kilometers. Several sets of the power armor in Eiriksson's team were also broken, and three guys were "killed" - prosthetic body replacement is to be scheduled. After collaborating for some time, the two groups work really well together. The bombardier protects the tank, and the tank fires, then the bombardier indicates a new target for the tank...... Days go on and on and on. Although Eiriksson's squad constantly fights first owing to its leading capability, and Eiriksson always loves to give orders, Hanssen never complains.

However, no matter how Eiriksson steals the limelight, the headlines in the news would always be Hanssen destroyed this today and Hanssen attacked that yesterday, completely overshadowing Eiriksson. There is nothing he could do with it. If you count by the clicks, although Eiriksson is a hero, Hanssen, as a national idol, has a ten times higher figure.

The grumpy Eiriksson did not buy it. He wanted to do something big. One night, he took his guys to storm a fortified stronghold unauthorizedly behind Hanssen’s back. Out of his expectation, the mercenaries there have been supplemented with rocket launchers and night vision devices, and even "TOW" anti-tank missiles, which are deadly for power armor. The five power armors were down before they could fire back, and two of them were blown up on the spot, with flesh and blood mixed in with the power armor bodies and prosthetic fragments. The grenadier inside another armor struggled for a while before crawling out of the wreckage and running back to the base while machine gun bullets swept behind him.

It's rare for power armor to be attacked by a scarce high-powered anti-tank missile, and even experienced veterans would be overwhelmed. This is enough to prove that Eiriksson's squad has become a major problem for the enemy.

Only Eiriksson and his lieutenant survived. The power armor's night vision is only limited to a few dozen meters, but at least better than nothing. They release smoke grenades and grope to the nearby basement for temporary shelter while sweeping at the enemies’ side with their Gatling guns.

"Wolverine, get in here", said Eiriksson, who has just padded into the basement but then his lieutenant got flown away by a missile. Eirikson's own power armor has multiple damages, trapping him in the basement. He has to turn to Hanssen for help although he did not want to.

It may not be the hardest moment of Eiriksson's life, but it was definitely one of them.

The no. 2 vehicle of Hanssen's platoon has not been replenished yet. Only Hanssen's own no. 1 tank is ready to go. Eiriksson roars first and then prays for a while, but there has been no movement on Hanssen's side.

Just as Eiriksson is being totally desperate, the roar of tank engines rings from a distance......

"How could anyone be stupid enough to attack this place at midnight? The enemy is on high ground and there is no place to hide.” Hanssen is sitting in the commander's seat, cursing in his heart while directing the team to fire at the targets he had found. The rockets from the opposite enemy side shower like rain. the powerful "TOW" missiles seem to have been depleted, credit given to Eiriksson's unauthorized action.

Hanssen's vehicle, which keeps changing its firing position, ran over a mine and has its tracks blown off. It could only sit in a fixed place. By the time the ammunition is almost depleted, it is almost dawn, and the enemy retreats from the front lines to their base. The battle is finally over.

Although they do not have any deadly injuries, Hanssen‘s car has been beaten to pieces. They were lucky enough that the fuel and ammunition did not explode. After confirming the situation, Hanssen gets out of the tank, and collects the cortical identity card from the "corpse". Hanssen searched for a while before finding Eiriksson in the basement, who is apparently having panic attacks because of PTSD.

Tank tracks are restored, and vehicle No. 1 lumbers slowly over the grassland. Everyone is silent, and Eiriksson, who has kept his head down, suddenly speaks up:

"Hanssen, you fucking silly silicone guy. I called you again and again last night, why did not you respond?"

"Brother Beard, what were you doing running out so late? To get your messy beard trimmed at a random? If you are going to call me a silicone guy, I’ll have to wash my face, pick out my best outfit, wear my perfume and hairspray, and maybe do my eyebrows and my nails ......At least I'm making a living off this silicone face! But, if you call me brother, I will get on the tank to save you in my pajamas and slippers...Well, just kidding. Yesterday the communication terminal in my car broke. Did you remember? I took the driver and gunner to find you when I saw your man limping back to report. If you died, the entertainment reporters would have had a lot of news to write ......"

"Ops, Shocking! War God Hanssen turns out to be a scumbag who betrays his teammates!"


"ho ..... hahahahahahaha"

Since then, Hanssen and Eiriksson have become close friends, sharing anything and everything.

Hanssen is Eiriksson's first replicae (clone warrior) friend.

Also, Eiriksson is Hanssen's first friend, since people without childhood cannot make friends, let alone with a "tiger mother" watching him all the time.

Despite all the glamorous spotlights on stage, it is still miserable for Hanssen to have no friends.

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