3D Print

3D Weapon Printer – the Etna Slot Machine

In the Cyber Earth era, metal 3D printing technology has become popular, which makes it almost impossible for the Uranus and the government to control civilian firearms, and also gives civilian weapons designers and skilled craftsmen great room to play. Firearms-related source files are very prolific, and there exists a large number of performance-enhanced versions and appearance-customized versions.

To obtain relatively perfect quality firearms, the Resistance will recycle old firearms, and crush them into metal materials to reprint new ones. Because of the difference in gun technology, brand, and age, its metal composition also varies greatly. Plus, the 3D printer is mostly homemade, and performance is not stable, so the quality of the printed firearms is largely random - printed firearms may be mediocre, but may also be perfect elite firearms.

In order to prevent firefights over elite weapons among members, various gangs and resistance groups have established rules that everyone has to obey the random synthesis results and cannot rob elite weapons generated by others. Later, inspired by the casino slots, people simply added drawbars and reels to the weapon printers, making it a game that embodies both fairness and bitter-sweetness.

The result of printing is completely random and unpredictable, but in fact, handing the result of generating elite weapons to fate and probability itself is the best embodiment of the spirit of decentralization - after all, ‘probability’ is the fairest way to decide. It is free from the interference of human will, under controlled conditions. In the ancient Athenian democracy, the popularity of color tossing, and the lottery machine electoral apparatus, is proof of the ancient Greek’s decentralization with probability, and also their way to fight against the centralized dictatorship. The ancient Greeks had long realized: facing the absolute fair probability, appearance, eloquence, wealth, and the threat of force are useless.

Wear Value

When the weapon skin is generated, a Wear Value will be randomly assigned to simulate the use of weapon in real life. Once the Wear Value is generated, it could not be changed. The Wear Value of each weapon is unique, making each weapon skin unique, which is in line with the non-homogeneous nature of NFT. The Wear Value of the skin causes an appearance gap between the battle-scarred and the factory-new, as well as the brightness and pattern integrity.Wear Value will be classified as 4 grades:

  • Factory Fresh

  • Coating Scratched

  • Material Scarred

  • Battle Hardened

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