Thoule Group

Thoule Group

A large multinational company that started with the Internet and video games. It is one of the most important major plutocrats in the worldview. Its business covers virtual reality, gaming, finance, high-tech equipment, energy, transportation, space, and arms. The Thoule Group employs millions of people around the world, and its branches, factories, and secret bases are located all over the world. It can be said that wherever there are smart devices or where there is money in circulation, there are products and services from the Thoule Group.

Thoule means "Ultimate Distant Realm," and Chairman Oswin hopes his company will "lead humanity" to the limits of human exploration and push them further and further. The company's early slogan, "Bringing the muggle train to the nine-and-three-quarters platform," has indeed created many technological and commercial wonders with the help of virtual reality technology. As well as successfully capturing the minds of users and gaining worldwide recognition for its products, making it a leader and a trendsetter in the industry. The product was recognized by people all over the world. Thoule then outshined its competitors in the industry and become the leader. Later, it cooperated with the Faun Biotechnology Company and leaped to become the world's largest supplier of mechanical limbs and brain-machine equipment, while raising a huge number of clones and legions of transformers in various secret bases, which were his pawns to realize his grand plans and his fighters to collude with other Uranus to suppress the underclass and resistance groups.

Oswin, the Chairman of the Thoule Group, is a charismatic "dreamer" who builds stairs to one dream after another with his poise, knowledge, creativity, and eloquence. However, underneath his elegant and humble appearance, is an infinitely expanding ambition and an egotistical, arrogant, and brutal soul - as a leading figure in science and technology, he is secretly obsessed with philosophy, mysticism, astrology, and witchcraft. He disdains humanity and has an extremely unpredictable temper. When he is thinking about the "ultimate question” he is wild. At first, he wanted to build his ideal kingdom of philosophers on Earth, but greed and fear pushed his ambition to the universe.

On the one hand, he believes that human nature and the human body have undoubted defects and are not worthy of the task of marching into the universe. Only he could be worthy of being the immortal "The One". With the help of AI technology and biotechnology, he will lead a group of recovered ancient sages and obedient clones to explore the universe. Therefore, fragile human beings must be replaced by highly rational clones and cyborgs. On the other hand, to find out the origin of human beings and the traces of the gods, he financed a large number of archaeological research projects. After finding the seed ship, the gold plate in the ship highly similar to the Explorer confirmed his previous judgment - human beings are guinea pigs created by the gods. He knew that the insanity of the Uranus and the chaos on Earth were pushing humanity to the brink of destruction, so he decided to strike first - to take over Mars. He plans to obtain energy materials on Mars, launch an army of clones to take over the planets of humanoid civilizations, evolve and acquire new technologies, and finally realize the "Ultimate Distant Realm" - kill the gods, take their place, and master their destiny. This is Oswin's huge and ambitious "Switchman" plan.

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