For the Spartans, the OWL (Our Women Lead) is a group of sissies and cowards. They are sinister assassins who like to ambush and assassinate in the night and the dark. But in reality, this mercenary organization is simply another group of mercenaries with a different ecological position.

The organizer of the OWL is actually a female sheriff. Her son got into jail because of his sympathy for the rebellion. In the process of rescuing her son, the female sheriff discovered the sinister group of the Uranus. But based on her origin and job, she also maintained a deliberate distance from the rebels. By the time she rescued her son, he had been beaten into cerebral palsy. Since then, she has sought medical attention for her son while resolving not to be anyone's pawn.

She found like-minded allies in her office. Several policewomen with similar ideas organized the "OWL", using their positions and identities as a cover to provide detective, investigation, assassination, lifting, and capturing services for various forces. Compared with the Spartans, who are leaning more towards the oligarchic, OWL is more neutral and more autonomous. They do not refuse anyone who pays the money. The overall style and tone of action are more feminine, but there is a needle hidden in silk floss.

Similar to the Spartan union, OWL also has their own special tradition: at the request of the female sheriff, the mercenaries would lower their gun of mercy towards the relatively innocent implicated. Although this mercy has won some reputation in both worlds, it also means a potential for heavy sacrifice.

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