
Under the threat of the new god, virtual reality, all kinds of quacks, Feng Shui masters, life coaches, psychics, and heretics had to put aside their religious conflicts and formed a relatively loose group to survive. This group is called Karma. In the cyberpunk era of " lowlife and high tech ", the occult power still has its market - some of those who are living hopelessly in hardship in the Cyber world come to Karma to find solace and support, while some of those who believe in the occult also have faith in Karma's prophecies and spells, believing that Karma can bring them more power and wealth in the Cyber era.

Karma has also evolved with the times, adding technological elements. They have used holograms, hallucinogenic drugs, telepathy, and hacking technics to make their presence felt both online and offline. With the "significant aid" of hacker gangs, of course.

There was this one time when Karma deliberately released a prophecy that three moons would appear in the sky. Everyone thought it was nonsense and did not take it seriously. But Karma joined forces with hacker groups to hack into people's telepathic networks. Through the interference of neurons, everyone saw the other two digital moons, triggering a world-scale commotion. Some old scholars instantly broke down. Although this prophecy is artificial, it earned Karma a high reputation among the people at the bottom.

Karma continues to follow the motto of "take the money and do the flavor". In addition to performing spells, they are also happy to act as a bridge between the grassroots and the Uranus. And sometimes, their rambling nonsense is more effective than a huge demonstration. Based on this, Oswin found a puppet among the Feng Shui masters and signed a cat-and-mouse attack and defense agreement with him to keep the class confrontation under control.

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