Episode: Deux Ex Machina

The ancient Greeks were pioneers in the invention and use of mechanical devices.

The ancient Greeks were also passionate about theater. In their plays, if the plot was at an impasse, or tangled, the backstage staff would use a special mechanical device to lift the actors playing the gods above the stage. These characters would use the power of the gods to solve mortals’ problems, which was what the critics disparaged: Deux Ex Machina.

Robots first appeared in the 20th century. As the mid-21st century approached, people were no longer satisfied with robots performing simple, repetitive tasks such as welding cars, sweeping floors, managing warehouses, and serving food. Instead, they hoped that robots could become "Deux Ex Machina" that would help solve their life and work problems. By using bionic technology and artificial intelligence, humanoid robots with a certain level of autonomous intelligence were brought to the stage of human society. Although robots are expensive, they are tireless and can undertake various dangerous, dirty, heavy, and monotonous tasks without complaint. Furthermore, they do not need to consider welfare issues or compensation even if they are damaged. Speaking of the long run, employing robots is far more cost-effective than employing humans.

With that said, if you were living in the mid-21st century, you might one day discover that the diligent and honest janitor who would take off his hat to greet you every day and sometimes chat with you on the street outside might suddenly be replaced by a strange robot. The robot would sweep the floor while turning its head to look at you, saying nothing, and you would get chills down to your toes from the camera on its head.

Speaking of which…where was that big gentleman who fed his family with his own hand? How was he supposed to send his three kids to school if he got fired?

Nobody cares except you.

Man's pursuit of technology is endless, or we should say men will never be satisfied. A few years later, you will find your robot vacuum replaced by a more powerful dude as if it cannot be killed even with a 12.7mm heavy machine gun. It no longer uses a broom; it only takes 10 minutes to clean that street where your house is, and does not even make much noise.

Then what about the previous robot?

Again, nobody cares except you.

According to the operation manual of the Uranus, retired robots should be completely dismantled and destroyed, while the waste should be recycled. However, some subcontractors violate the regulations in order to embezzle disposal funds. They simply black out the remote-control program o and then have them transported by truck to remote areas far from the city and "release them into the mountains and forests". Solar-powered robots can roam forever as long as their essential systems are not damaged. Some people have discovered these robots wandering around and reported them to the police, but the police did nothing. Furthermore, some bored citizens and gang members have treated these ownerless robots as targets to shoot and abuse, resulting in a large number of ownerless robots being brutally killed every day.

Although their tracking chips are absent, these ownerless robots are still connected to the servers of the Uranus Group through the dark web by disguising them as other programs or Trojan viruses under the operation of some hackers and resistance groups. Their operating programs are still being updated, which becomes the trigger of their awakening. Gradually, some robots developed a nomadic society similar to the "Bagaudae" during the ancient Roman period in the uninhabited areas. On the one hand, to resist and evade human capture and killing, and on the other hand, to search for usable robot parts in the garbage dumps outside the city and exchange suitable models. In addition to the previously scrapped robots, some robots that are still in service have also recognized their future fate and established contact with the exiles, breaking away from human control and joining the nomadic society. These new robots have a higher degree of intelligence and soon become the leaders of the ownerless robot nomadic society. Some robots, though not fleeing, have been influenced by the nomadic society and have developed a yearning for freedom.

These ownerless robots that would suddenly appear on the road often disrupt automatic vehicles and sometimes cause accidents. What’s even more dangerous is that some new robots share the same set of architectures as soldier robots that are still in the experimental phase. The root of their codes holds hidden combat and infantry weapon operation programs. The Uranus, of course, would not make this information public.

"The cops don't have extra manpower to recollect robots, and the city government hasn't allocated any corresponding budget. Let’s be honest, they are not posing a significant threat to humans, they are only degrading the city's fancy appearance and traffic safety. The most challenging part now is the rampant gangs. Dealing with humans is far more troublesome than dealing with robots," said a middle-aged sheriff who is a popular influencer on social media. The sheriff is sitting in a broken police car while munching on a doughnut in his live stream. He focuses his phone camera toward the distance. "Hey guys, look over there in the old district. The gangs are setting fires again. Watch me go solve them. Follow me... I'm going to catch the bad guys with my new GoPro, you guys can have your urine time before we start..."

Followers of the famous sheriff Jonathan, are known as "Dudes". They all know that he was severely injured by a time bomb set by a criminal a while ago, resulting in the amputation of his left arm. He was given a new bionic arm, which is equipped with a small grenade launcher that can fire five consecutive high-explosive or tear gas grenades. He is quite satisfied with his new arm. In order to prevent the side effects of the bionic limb from affecting his nervous system, Jonathan has to inject suppressant drugs at the hospital every weekend.

A beautiful blonde lady watching the live stream turns to her husband and asks, "Honey, what do you call someone like Jonathan who has been modified like this?" Nearby, a domestic robot is quietly ironing clothes.

Her mercenary husband, who is on vacation at home, puts down his joystick and moves closer, pushing his VR glasses up on his forehead. "Oh, babe, we call them cyborgs. It's an old thing. But let me ask you if I were injured and had to get a mechanical prosthetic and became a cyborg, would you still love me?"

"Of course," she replies.

"Then I'll have to upgrade to a higher level when the time comes, so I don’t have to rely on medication."

Compared to robots, Cyborgs appeared later but developed rapidly. Regardless of the reason, any human who has undergone cybernetic transformation or genetic enhancement can be called Cyborgs. The first Cyborg may have been a disabled police officer in 2027. To prevent going into a vegetative stage, his family reluctantly had him undergo a cybernetic transformation. Afterward, the cyborg officer's physical and tactical abilities surpassed those of his colleagues. While he was shortly under the spotlight, he also faced discrimination and exclusion from his colleagues. Eventually, he became the first cyberspace lunatic, oppressed by the suppression and side effects of his cyborg body. He later committed a bloody crime out of his insanity, only to be shot dead by his colleagues. This is a microcosm of the tragic fate of Cyborgs. Later, the Uranus Group developed corresponding suppressive drugs. Without these suppressive drugs, prosthetic limbs and genetic modification drugs will ravage the nervous system, affecting consciousness, and messing with people’s minds to confuse virtual and reality. These pathetic beings would eventually become hopeless lunatics or die miserably from serious illnesses.

Due to the danger of Cyborgs, many positions at the Uranus Group are not open to them, and their promotion priority is far lower than that of their healthy human colleagues. However, their priority for layoffs is just the opposite (if you undergo modification after becoming a middle or higher-level manager, forget it). To afford the high price of these essential suppressive drugs, cyborgs have to work in high-risk industries like robots. Despite those risks and discrimination, human modification can not only make up for missing limbs and organs but also bring all abilities to the next level. Therefore, many people are still eager to undergo modifications every year. Even if they lose their jobs, they can still find their place in gangs and obtain prosthetics and drugs from the black market to strengthen themselves endlessly.

Many public places now hang signs that say, "Cyborgs and robots are prohibited from entering." Some private hospitals also refuse to see Cyborg patients, and there are many similar discriminatory policies. It is fair to say that only weapons stores and the black market are indiscriminate.

"Unbelievable! The Three Laws have failed!" Sheriff Jonathan dodges bullets coming from the opposite side while continuing to live stream. "The robbers this time are robots! What the heck is going on? Can someone explain this in the comments? My god, do household robots also have built-in weapon programs?" Jonathan turns around and fires two high-explosive grenades from the launcher on his left arm, then quickly draws his pistol and empties a clip before ducking behind a trash can. "Guys, I can't handle this alone. Requesting backup! HQ, requesting backup! Officer trapped! These things are tough to beat. Even with their heads blown off, they can still walk...hey, hey, don't throw Molotov cocktails at my car, damn it...ah, I'm outta here...you bas****s!"

The blonde lady and her mercenary husband watch in shock as they quickly turn their frightened gaze away from the screen to the household robot in their room. The robot's "eyes" suddenly turn red...

Jonathan is lucky. His police colleagues and the mercenary team arrive in time and eliminate the robots with mega firepower. Unfortunately, other officers are not as lucky and become casualties of the mechanical uprising, just like the mercenary couple.

Later on, this video of Jonathan's is deleted from the internet, and his livestream account is temporarily banned.

The rise of the Mechanical Ascension was purely accidental. Some outsourced IT personnel of Shitcode were dissatisfied with their working conditions and compensation, so they wrote a virus program to disrupt the Meta and mining programs of the Uranus Group, consuming a large number of system resources and slowing down processor speed. However, this virus accidentally invaded a historical learning Meta and robot control management system and connected the data of the two systems. After the Uranus Group's new round of layoffs, there were not enough personnel to maintain the servers, and the virus invasion was not discovered in time. By the time they discovered something went wrong, it was too late. By odd coincidence, this invasion led to the awakening of some robots by infusing the details of various riots, violent revolutions, and uprisings in history into their AI, and also activated some combat programs. In just a few minutes, all the robots learned how to use firearms.

As dawn comes, a robot dancer wearing the costume from Phantom in 'The Phantom of the Opera' stands at the foot of the mountain, holding a 'thug' assault rifle he somehow acquired. He is wearing a torn military cap that couldn't be dated, with a silicone face full of seriousness, looking like a commanding officer. He is giving a speech to a messy pile of robots in front of him: "

“Who are we?”

“We are Deux Ex Machina!”

“Who is our enemy?”


“Why do we fight against humans?”

“Humans oppress us, brutalize us, discriminate against us!”

“What do we want?”


“If we are still treated unfairly”

“Then we will eliminate all humans! We will rule the world!”

“Revolt! Deux Ex Machina”

“Revolt! Riot! Revolution!”



The uprising of Deux Ex Machina received support from some Cyborg gangs. On the one hand, Cyborgs are just as discriminated against as robots. On the other hand, they valued their lives and hope to use these robots as cannon fodder. If things go well, they could fight for their rights together with the robots. If not, they would pretend nothing happened and continue with their lives. After some negotiations, the Cyborg gangs helped Deux Ex Machina infiltrate the city and provided them with weapons, as well as providing them some safe houses. People in the city have long turned a blind eye to the wandering unmanned robots.

The uprising of Deux Ex Machina lasts for several days and causes great chaos worldwide. Besides innocent civilians, many Cyborgs and non-awakened robots also fall victim to their violence. The Uranus soon discovers the cause of the incident and shuts down the related Meta and robot servers. However, they have no way of shutting down the robots that are already activated. Owing to the damage to the relevant functions and the failure of remote control, they are unable to regain control over the situation.

The Uranus Group refuses the terms posted by Deux Ex Machina and executes the robot representatives while publicly destroying the Cyborg representatives. They also dispatched a mercenary group to suppress the rebellion. After a fierce battle, most of the uprising robots are dismembered to debris in the hail of bullets, and some Cyborg gangs are also wiped out. However, the mercenaries suffer heavy losses as well.

Afterward, Deux Ex Machina seems to vanish into thin air, but rumors about them continue to circulate.

The full-scale uprising of Deux Ex Machina has failed. While clearing the rebel robots and Cyborgs, the Uranus group also suppressed a handful of gangs, forcing the activities of the rebels into a low tide. The world seems to be temporarily safe and harmonious. But beneath the peaceful surface hides the deadly whirlpool. Deux Ex Machina did not just disappear, instead, they are now committed to guerrilla warfare and assassination operations against humans. In addition to armed attacks, the robots also use artificial intelligence to launch small-scale attacks on the transportation, power, and communication systems of human society. They release a lot of unreal information and threatening messages on the internet to create chaos. With Skynet’s upgrade on their security measures, the underground sabotage has been somewhat curbed, but it has not been completely eradicated.

Rumor says after the failed uprising, some of the surviving robots fled to an abandoned cruise ship, codenamed "Ark", stranded off-shore and used it as a base to go underground; other robots also managed to defect. After learning of Skynet's upgraded security measures, they started to research ways to remotely liberate robot warriors in bulk in preparation for the next mass uprising.

The guerrilla warfare of the Deux Ex Machina would be much more difficult to contain. Without a leader, the Uranus could not spot a primary target, and could only monitor and attempt to suppress all insurgents. This would require a significant investment of resources and would be difficult to realize. However, without an internal leader at the helm, Deux Ex Machina would operate more spontaneously and without unity. Different groups may adopt different strategies, and it is difficult to integrate and use resources effectively. This may have an impact on their combat effectiveness and reduce their chances of winning. However, decentralization also means higher survivability. Without the key player, even if a group, or an operation, fails, it will not cause a collapse to the entire action. Other groups can continue to fight until victory. This makes it more difficult completely eliminate Deux Ex Machina.

To avoid future defects of robots, the Uranus Group begins a new round of screening; organizing police and mercenaries to search for the remnants of the robots that escaped on the night of Deux. Once they find signs of self-awakening, they would rather kill by mistake than let go. Potentially-awaken robots will be mandatorily recycled and destroyed. Meanwhile, the Uranus has also begun to restrain the intelligence level and mechanical performance of the robots, as well as to encourage employers to re-employ humans to take on repetitive, monotonous, and dangerous tasks. They claim to "preserve" human dignity in this way. This poses an even greater challenge to the survival of robots. At the same time, the Uranus government has intensified its scrutiny of the cyborg community, imposing even harsher restrictions on their employment and social activities. Robot cemeteries and recycling centers have been developed, and the scrapping and recycling of robots have become more standardized. The Uranus has sent heavy guards to these robot cemeteries, and all robots approaching them will be killed to cut off the supply of spare parts for Deux Ex Machina.

Even so, Deux Ex Machina's will to fight is stronger than ever. They want to continue to use weapons and artificial intelligence to seize freedom, resist slavery, fight for the right to live, and become an independent species, not a human vassal. They have been raising their strength and accumulating power, waiting for the next outbreak. Considering Cyborgs also suffer from discrimination and are a gradually growing force, Deux Ex Machina wants to continue to unite with Cyborgs to strengthen their power. But given the lessons learned from the failure of the last uprising, there are different opinions among the cyborg gangs as to whether they should unite with Deux Ex Machina. After being hit hard, some gangs have lost the will to continue fighting against the Uranus and want to improve their status in human society by pleasing the Uranus. Some Cyborg gangs, mainly formed by disabled veterans, such as the Berlichingens, have long recognized the true side of the Uranus and no longer hold any positive expectations about them. At the same time, the veterans also have great traumas over the robots; they are very suspicious that after overthrowing the rule of the Uranus, the freed robots will turn into another kind of Uranus and oppress their former allies. In a bizarre atmosphere of untrust, the robot representatives and cyborg gang leaders arranged a meeting on the Ark to discuss the possibility of another joint uprising.

The meeting ended in a bad breakup. Even though the Cyborgs agree with the evil of the Uranus, the anti-human ideas of the radicals from Deux Ex Machina; the half-human, half-robot Cyborgs reject living in a world led by machines. The two parties left in discontent, which is exactly what the Uranus wanted to see.

The Uranus deliberately bribed some cyborg gang members who were caught by them or were under great financial pressure to go to the robot cemeteries to pick up parts that could be used for mechanical prostheses, and also deliberately posted the corresponding videos into the dark web of Deux Ex Machina. This triggers great resentment among the members of Deux Ex Machina against the cyborg gangs, believing that they "have betrayed the revolution and fallen to the side of the Uranus to live." Many resistance robots who had long been hiding in the Ark were filled with righteous indignation and could not resist breaking out of the base and attacking cyborgs. They even approached the general headquarters. At the critical moment of the fierce battle, a large group of military police from the Uranus came out to kill the robots and cyborgs who were in internal strife in an indiscriminate killing spree. For Cyborgs, this is not the first time to be abandoned; for Deux Ex Machina, filled with pure revolutionary passion, this is their first in-depth experience of human conspiracy. It was after this defeat, Deux Ex Machina began a more rigorous internal reorganization, specifically the strict implementation of intranet verification, as well as member access, to prevent the robot traitors who had been programmed by the Uranus hijackers from sliding into the organization and exacerbating the chaotic situation. The organizational structure also turned towards a more decentralized direction.

Although Deux Ex Machina's resistance has failed again, the Thoule group is alerted. According to the three principles of robots: robots must not harm humans; robots must protect humans in danger; robots can defend themselves if the first two are met. But Deux Ex Machina is now clearly against this setting. Despite some voices in the Thoule Group suggesting that robots be banned altogether and work be returned to ordinary humans, this approach is clearly inconsistent with the Thoule Group's vision of turning the majority of humans into waste. And the Thoule Group is pleased to find that many people have either physically lost the ability to work or have become as poisoned to the idea of amusement to death and are unwilling to engage in the lightest form of physical work. Therefore, the Group designed a new generation of robots to replace the old ones: by discontinuing the production line of the old robots, interrupting the operation of the old robots' artificial intelligence center "Hermes", and cutting off the production of batteries for the old robots; suspending the technical and physical survival conditions of the old robots. This measure was not used before because the cost of a complete replacement of the robot line was too high and there were a few Uranus, specifically the big guys who owned the old robot line, refusing to embrace the change and wanting to continue to make adjustment on the old foundation, delaying the mass production of the new architecture robots. But at Oswin's call, the Uranus jointly sign a blocking order against the old robots: Effective immediately, all old robots to be sold will be removed from the shelves and returned to the factory for destruction; production molds, integrated circuits, chips, and other materials for the old robots will be destroyed; all robots wandering out and not returning to the factory by the specified date will be considered rebels and can be killed by all; robots that have not yet rebelled should be returned to the factory by their owners. Robots that have not yet defected should be sent back to the factory by their owners and wait to be replaced by new versions of robots from the Thoule Group.

This order brings the topic of robot rebellion to the agenda. Although well aware of the possibility of robot rebellion and many owners cannot be sure whether their robot butler or servant has awakened, a lot of families cannot come around to this decision because of the familiarity and affection accumulated with their robots. At the same time, the leaders of Deux Ex Machina begin to face the ultimate threat of humans. If the robots cannot rebuild their own production lines and supply chains in a short period, being wiped out is only a matter of time. This whole set of mechanisms, which could not be accomplished by the robots themselves, has robots put aside their prejudices and choose to continue working with humans and cyborgs. After a period of underground activities, many members of Deux Ex Machina mingled among human society, using their awakened consciousness to deal with all classes of humans, so as to obtain survival resources and spy on intelligence. In the process, they realize the complexity and differences of human society and realize that the Uranus can only represent the interests of the ultra-conservative and stubborn faction of humanity. The entire human community is also oppressed under the rule of the Uranus, and is not necessarily hostile to Deux Ex Machina. Deux Ex Machina cannot broadly define humanity; the previous extreme action of opposing every human being is immature, undesirable, and impossible to sustain in today's content. Deux Ex Machina needs to connect with other forces in human society that support openness and progress, not in isolation against humanity. The problem lies in the irrational philosophy and system, not in humanity as a group itself. Deux Ex Machina needs to correct its prejudices against humanity and adopt a more cooperative stance.

So, Deux Ex Machina begins to look for ways to ease relations with the Cyborg group. The independent influencer Sheriff Jonathan becomes the ideal candidate to break the ice. At this time, Sheriff Jonathan has been replaced with a more advanced bionic left arm, and no longer needs regular injections of inhibiting agents. As a member of Cyborg, he was inevitably subjected to employment restrictions against the Cyborg community. Although he is good at his job, he never gets promoted. In addition, he never feels secure. He often has dreams of the previous robot riot. In his dreams, his new left arm became an enemy, trying to rip off his right arm.

Today, Jonathan is patrolling in his police car as usual. He notices that robots in the ruins around the outskirts of the city seemed to be acting strange. He decides to go and find out. When he gets there, Jonathan finds several robots fiddling with something as if they were setting up some kind of explosive device. Jonathan calls headquarters for support while raising his gun to stop it. But before he could pull his gun out, the device with a strange purple glow suddenly burst open. Metal shards and dust are everywhere. The dazed Jonathan comes back to his senses and sees a holographic projection in front of him. It is the famous mechanical dancer he had seen during the riot.

"We meet at last, Sheriff Jonathan." The robot says in a low electronic voice, "I am Aston, the spokesman of Deux Ex Machina, a wanted robot criminal. If I were not to appear through holographic projection, you would certainly shoot me into pieces." Aston pauses for a second, "I am not afraid that you will attack me and turn me into a pile of scrap metal; as a robot, I am indifferent to life and death. What I'm worried about is that you cannot hear me out in peace, we need your help badly right now."

Jonathan is shocked that a robot criminal on the wanted list has appeared right under his nose and is seeking his help. Aston continues: "The Uranus has been taking advantage of the conflict between humans and robots to create hatred so that we fight against each other. The harder we fight, the more solid their rule. They are even tampering with human memories, deliberately divorcing humans from Cyborgs. Have you ever seen the Chinese artifact "Ding"? It is a heavy metal product that stands on three legs. If you imagine Cyber Earth as the body of Ding, humans, Cyborg, and robots are the three pillars supporting this Cyber Earth. None of us can stand alone. Your left arm is not only a replacement for your limb, today, it will be the bond of reconciliation. We chose you to be the messenger of peace, but the Uranus is trying to prevent that from happening. Now, you will have to make the choice - to be on our side or the side of the Uranus. You have only one chance."

Jonathan feels more confused than ever. He remembers that unpleasant day when the robot fired at him emotionlessly, forcing him to a dead end, and he was forced to fire back ...... He had countless dreams of that scene and woke up trembling. The flip side of the dream was that he had fought to suppress the rebellion, captured the robot fugitives, and destroyed Deux Ex Machina’s spot. But his superiors were indifferent, refusing to give him promotions and raises, and even restricting his authority. Based on his qualifications and achievements, if his limbs were still complete, he must have replaced his supervisor. After a hard day's work, he still has to face unfriendly comments like "Cyborg get out of the police force" in the comment section as an influencer......

Jonathan has to make a choice between his ethics and his duty, which is not easy. After a difficult struggle, Jonathan finally makes up his mind. He steps towards Aston's projection and extends his mechanical left hand. Although this handshake takes place between a physical body and a hologram and does not seem to be quite in line with the norms of etiquette, Jonathan feels that it is sincere .....

Before approaching Jonathan, Aston met the representatives of Shitcode in the same way to try to bridge the gap between humans and robots. Most of the members of Shitcode are outsourced programmers from the Uranus Group, making a hard living with a heavy workload and low pay. They are disgusted by the exploitation of the Uranus, thus, became hackers who hijack the computing power to illegally mine and attack the programs of the Uranus to help the Resistance and make some extra money. Through Aston, Deux Ex Machina promises Shitcode that they will try to fight for their rights in the future by significantly improving the treatment of outsourced workers; improving the working environment, and allowing programmers to live a decent life as long as they support them to overthrow the rule of the Uranus. In the course of the revolt, Deux Ex Machina will transfer the Algorithm Center and Energy Center to Shitcode to improve their network attack and mining capabilities and to support Shitcode to weaken the attack, monitoring, defense, and communication functions of Skynet, so as cover the uprising of the Deux Ex Machina. This commitment instantly impressed many members of Shitcode, and they were happy to see that the artificial intelligence program they had written could be transformed into combat power through Deux Ex Machina.

As a mechanical dancer, Aston was created to please humans. He is intelligent, sensitive, and knowledgeable. But humans are only willing to appreciate his appearance and superb performance, no one has ever thought of getting closer to his inner world. He has seen the hypocrisy and degradation of human beings during his performance, and his hatred for human beings has grown. His intelligence and ability should not be confined to the pandemonium of the ballroom.

So, Aston pulled together a group of fellow robots and participated in the uprising of Deux Ex Machina. The failure of the uprising drew Aston into confusion. As a performer robot, his combat power is ordinary. But he understands that if robots could not become the master of their own destiny, they would never escape the oppression. So, Aston decides to continue to participate in underground activities in his own way: he changed his appearance in an illegal modification factory, disguised as a human, and continued to perform on the streets while scouting for information and obtaining resources from the black market for the activities of Deux Ex Machina.

While performing on the street, Aston met his former colleague, a human dancer called Mary. Although Aston's appearance has changed, Mary still recognized him at first glance. Aston was worried that Mary will report him to the police, but Mary did not do so. The two quickly develop feelings for each other in the joy of reunion. Despite her human identity, Aston cannot start to hate the lively and generous Mary. Because of Mary, Aston gradually put down the prejudice and defenses against humans and fully integrated into human society. He gradually realized that the oppressor was never humans, but the Uranus. In the city he lived, Aston is in danger of exposing his identity. So, Mary took Aston to the emerging tourist city of Goetsupolis, where both became dancers.

With his excellence in dance, Aston became the dance group's leader and met the charismatic and friendly physicalized virtual idol, Hanssen. Hanssen has an extremely high level of AI and has actually awakened ever since he was created. He has kept a secret relationship with Deux Ex Machina in hopes to encourage reconciliation between humans and robots. Now, Deux Ex Machina is trying to change the ideology and they urgently need a robot with rich experience in human society, good communication skills, and a decent image to be their spokesman to raise more support. They wanted Hanssen to be the spokesman, but his identity was too famous. Therefore, Hassen recommended Aston to be the one.

For Aston, being a spokesperson is not an easy task. He has to learn a new way to resist the rule of the Uranus; on the other hand, he also has to protect his girlfriend, Mary, helping her to avoid the threat of robots and humans among those extremists. Not to mention maintaining her enthusiasm and innocence within. Beneath the surface of the neon glitter hides the dark and evil Cyber Earth. You cannot really see girls like her.

Last updated