
In future wars between governments and large corporations, as wealth becomes more concentrated and casualties from wars expand, the demand for elite warriors multiplies. The huge potential market has given rise to a large number of mercenary organizations, including the most famous mercenary organization, the "Spartan".

The founder of the mercenaries is a Greek man, Daimondalos. This man came from an oligarchic shipping family, absorbing the penetration of Muslim immigrants to Europe, and the decline of old European values. He was operating his family's shipping company while building his private escort fleet, which was active in the fight against the Muslim pirates in the Mediterranean Sea. Eventually, his private fleet and private guards became the predecessor of the future Spartan mercenary regiment.

As the name suggests, the symbol of this organization is the Spartan helmet and red badge Lambda. The group states Spartan military spirit as their highest credo: keep silent, strict military discipline, fight-or-die, and hard training. They also made Leonidas and other Spartan sages the organization's spiritual leader and founder. They are widely spreading recruitment notices worldwide, recruiting capable humans, clones, and robots to join the organization. Whether they come from the resistance, government forces, or the secret research projects of the plutocrats, as long as they defend the traditions of old Europe and the oligarchic families, they are welcomed. To maintain the credibility and combat effectiveness of the mercenary group, in addition to combat, the organization also conducts a military competition called "Pyrrhic Battle Dance". Participants will be ranked corresponding to the deduction of credibility points, once the points become negative, they will be expelled from the organization, which means their identity in the mercenary industry will also be in decline. The mercenaries would stain their victim’s blood to write the huge Greek letters Lambda on the scene, as a symbol of their completion of the beheading.

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